
A story about Drunken Me.

heh.. Panna, you amuse the shit outta me.

Ok, so the story of how things are going:

Things were going great until about last wednesday? wednesday before? whatever. I was unable to make it to work, and unable to call in because I was unconscious due to the fact that I'd spent the weekend at my mother's house and had a small childish body sleeping next to me every night, and I don't sleep well period if there is someone else in my bed. due to this fact, I sorta go it lots of trouble, and may not be working at my place of work anymore.
So, the decision was made that I would look for work, and Friday I applied at Target... and no where else, because by the time we left there it was sorta late, and not a good time to be applying. But after we were done with that, Mel and I came back here, chilled a bit, and then we went over to her place, she and her sister changed, and Dave (cute, TALL as fuck, nerdy personality.. basically my dream man..) came over. We had made plans to go out to this pub on the beach, and Mel, Jen and I all had to eat there because we hadn't eaten yet and stuff. So, at about 730, we all went to another friend, Brandy's place.. I rode with Dave, and he told me for like, the fifth time that I'm "naughty" while the girls went over to Rob's new place to pick him up, because he was supposed to be driving us all home.. He managed to piss the girls off, because he was supposed to be driving in the first place, and then he wasn't ready to leave when they got there, and told them that he'd get a ride over with another friend that was over at his place, because this friend was the bouncer at the place we were going to. So, me and Dave make it to Brandy's way before everyone else, and they sit and chat about how Dave is going to London and doing his master's degree in something to do with art at Sotheby's for the next year starting like, September 9th or something.. and then they proceeded to discuss the class they'd taken together... god knows when.. and I just sat and listened, cause.. well.. I had nothing to add. I'm not really the artistic type.. So, Mel and Jen get there, we discuss what an asshole Rob is.. and then we all head over to the Bar.. I have no idea how to get there, so I do not volunteer to ride with Dave.. but damn, I wish I had.... anyways..
So, we get there, and take a table right by the main stage, and there was a dude doing Irish songs by the door (nothing that I really recognise).. I order water to drink at first (because.. I dunno. didn't wanna spend much money?) and I get a chicken salad for dinner. it was very yummy.. and I listen to Dave and Jen discuss beer.. and I can't hear much. so I'm all leaning like, across the table to hear anyone... Jon (the guy Rob is getting a ride with) shows up.. and Rob doesnt.. we're all like "Uh... where's Rob?" and he's like "I made him walk" but really Rob was just on the phone with his new (slightly annoying) girlfriend we sit and chat about stuff, and generally enjoy our time, and I eventually order a Killians, because they have two dollar pints.. and more talking.. Other Jen and Aaron(a female) show up.. and finally this band shows up and starts setting up.. and we're like.. right next to the speakers.. vague recollections for the rest of the night: I knocked over Jen's drink while trying to hear what Dave has to say to me... after Dave leaves, Other Jen says to me "so, about your friend Dave.." and I'm all like "Well, technically he's their friend Dave, but I'd gladly claim him", and Mel or Brandy hears us, and she's like yeah, he's our friend, I went to school with him ('cause both of them did) and Jen's like He's HOTT! and I say I completely agree with her, and Mel says she doesn't see it. *shrugs* uhmm... lots of booty dancing went on... some guy committed a party foul by spilling beer on Mel, and Brandy made him buy a round for the whole table.. he wound up being from New Zealand, was in the military and was very nice... uhm.. we all wind up walking on the beach with the Kiwi guy and one of his friends.... and they get yelled at by their team leader, and have to leave.. so we all leave.. Brandy gets Kiwi guy's number.. well, technically, Mel gets it and gives it to Brandy... uhm.. Brandy drives me and Rob home... and I come home and futz around on the computer for an hour.. and get to bed at like 4...

I wake up at 9 a.m. and feel like shit. no actual puking occured, I am proud to say, but I actually get up, check email, and eat a granola bar... and about an hour or an hour and a half later I go back to bed, 'cause I just cannot handle it. I wake up at 4, and call Mel, 'cause we were supposed to swim today.. and she tells me the pool is green, and she's shocked the pool and attempted to clean it. so no swimming today.. and says she's going over to Rob and Chris's to hang out and see Chris's baby. I call again at 6 and say I'm bored, and she invites me over. So, I go over, and Mel, Jen, Other Jen, Brandy, and Jon are all there and Jon and Chris are playing Magic, Rob is on the Phone, and everyone else is watching True Romance (good movie, I had not seen it), and the baby is asleep. uhm.. we watched the movie, Chris, Jon, and Other Jen all left, Chris with the baby, taking it back to her mommy... and the rest of us sit around and talk, and order pizza. eventually the Jags game gets turned on,and they actually fucking won. we were amazed what with the shitty defense we were seeing.. then Mel and Jen and I went over to their parent's house to let the dogs run loose, and see how the pool was doing (still a little green, but should be OK for Sunday) aaand... uhm... *yawns* then they brought me back to Rob's place and I picked up my car and came back here, and have been goofing off since then.

God. fucking boring life I have.. but damn... it sucks that a guy I could be very interested in is leaving in like, two weeks for a year...