27 February 2003

thoughts brought on by conversations.

Nope. still nothing interesting happening in my life.. except maybe my reasoning for this post...

A couple of conversations yesterday reminded me of an incident from when I was 18 or 19, and was living in the dorms at UNF... The college had its own channel, and at night would show newly released on vidoe movies... A group of us had wound up in a friend's room, and were watching this channel, when this soon-to-be-infamous movie came on.. It seemed pretty cool, about relationships and stuff, and had Stephen Baldwin, Claudia Schiffer, and Robert Downey Jr. in it.. and at one point, the girls in the movie are sitting around and discussing the size of the guys' wangs, one of the girl's brothers supposedly is.. well endowed.... then the girls talk the guys into getting into the jacuzzi.. nude.... and when the well-endowed guy drops trou, there is a short (maybe like, 2 second) shot of his penis.. thus the movie became the cock-shot movie. The girls could've cared less, but the guys kinda freaked out. To the girls, it made no sense, because we don't freak out when a girl's stuff is all hangning out for like, hours on end in movies, and yet the guys were all freaking out over a guy's package being shown for half a second... According to one friend, not even a million boobs would've made up for that half second... And then he declared that we had to watch porn. So we did. I think that night started our habit of counting nipples. Call us strange (you're strange!). Thanks. *grins* Anyways. yeah. This whole thought process was brought to you by conversations had last night.