
Tarot for the day

just as some amusement, I am still awake from yesterday, but I get this Tarot thing sent to me in my email daily, and I found today's... interesting.

Knave of Chalices

A new relationship or level of confidence could develop, be initiated, born, or renewed soon, but immaturity, selfishness, idealism, alcohol, miscommunication, expectations, or insecurity could cloud judgment, lead to dalliance, overindulgence, or hurt. It could be time to face certain truths that naivet�, seduction, ignorance, or heartbreak, have been keeping you from dealing with until now. Learn to trust your own intuition in matters of the heart, and be prepared for apologies, or to "get over it." Robbing the cradle may boost ego, but it can affect others.

fascinating, I think.. and if you missed it, I do have an entry before this.