
An answer for Panna

Yes Panna, Dave is the one I like. Rob is my pooh-pooh headed ex-roommate.

What's so great about Dave? I'm not sure. It could be that he beat me at my favorite game (Trivial Pursuit).. that he has nerdy tastes like me (one of the times he gave me a ride somewhere we were listening to MC Chris? Dave? something.. its a white guy who raps about stuff like star wars and shit)... that my 20 Questions game thingy just blew his mind? he felt that it was amazing that a little piece of plastic was able to come up with what he was thinking in 20 questions... He's genuinely nice, every time I've gotten into his car he's opened doors for me, and same goes for going through most doors, actually... He is my 'type' embodied: tall, skinny, dark hair.. this guy is taller than I am, and I'm a giant.. He's interested in things that fascinate me, and doesn't mind the chatter of 'girl talk'. he's silly, fun, and genuinely likable. He thinks I'm weird due to the friendships I have (like our friend Pyro... but I think that may be the fact I call him the 'dirty old man'... he also was taken aback by my knowledge of teledildonics which didn't even come from Pyro.. Loon told me about it...).. but whatever. this may be a useless exercise anyways, if he's not interested in me. I can drop the fascination if he isn't.