
Heh.. funny story

Heh.. apparently I'm a confusing girl to know.. especially if you're into me..

Robbie and I were discussing stuff last thursday, because while we were at Kareoke, one of the chicks thought the two of us were together.. from rob I've discovered that many, many people seem to think this.. kinda funny, since one of the kareoke people felt that I am in love with otherRob, but that's ok. Amusing.. the Robbie let it slip that the final break up with his ex girl was because of me.. apparently during an argument he said something about he should've gotten together with me... heh.. explains why the two of us don't get along as well.. anyways.. then he told me that I was very confusing for a very long time because I wanted to hold hands in parking lots and when we walked places, yet I was.. hands-off other places.. when he was still into me sorta.. me, never been into him. but he got me very confused for awhile... we're being more open now about stuff like when we're pissed and why.. and our past.. its probably a lot healthier for us than the way we were before.. and I'm starting to become friends with our other friends better.. I'm getting better at socializing.. and getting myself out of the house and just getting stuff done.. yay me/us.

that was all I had to say for now, so.. g'nite!

Ok, that reminds me.. Kikkles: go check out Jump (whom are not famous, but should be!) and check out their streaming audio player, you can play their whole new album for free! it is under the music tab, if I recall.. and yay!