19 November 2003

working on content

*Stands back, glances about* Well. It has been a long time, yet again. I'd like to announce that I still do not have my own computer, so I am hijacking my roomie's for internet access, so thus I rarely get here, cause I only check email regularly. If you really want to contact me, the best way would be to email me.

Life is good at the moment. I really have no complaints, even though I still don't have a love life, even though I haven't done many fun things in the recent past, and even though school isn't going as well as it could. I'm actually feeling a sense of contentment with how life is going, and I am gonna do my best to hang on to it. I'm gonna work my ass off, I'm going to keep on plugging away at doing my papers, and I'm going to just.. get it done. Yes, that makes for a fairly stressful life (especially since I'm working pretty much daily right now, and I had two papers due last week), but at the moment it is making me happy. I'm not going home for thanksgiving, and even though it sort of hurt when I first figured that out.. I've become OK with that. My bear-a and I are going to talk and watch the parades in the morning, and that afternoon/evening, I plan on working on homework. Its not the best plan ever, but it will be fun.

Sometimes I want to work all of the shit out in my head in front of all y'all that know I'm here, but I can't. But I want y'all to know.. when it all falls, you'll be the first to know.