
damnity damn damn damn!

I'd like to take a few seconds to be rahter upset with Luke Perry... Damn him for having been in Beverly Hills, 90210 when I was young and impressionable, and (of course) developed a minor crush on him, which exists to this day, as long as he looks similar to the way he did then... I'd also like to damn the tv channel FX for playing the movie 8 Seconds today as I was about to get into the shower so I could be sorta productive today.. I'd like to also damn the makers of that damned fucking movie for having had the intelligence to cast one of the Baldwin Brothers and but not the one I consider the sexiest due to his role in the movie Sliver... what this all comes down to is that I wound up watching that darned movie (and bawling my eyes out) because of the fact that damned Luke Perry was in it...

Ok.. so y'all will laugh.. Robbie and I went to Endo Exo last night for kareoke.. I dunno if I've told you this, but I don't sing.. but last night for most of the night it was just Robbie and the guy who was running Kareoke (D-rock) were singing, and I was feeling bad, so I sang a few times.. I'm not that good of a singer, in my head, but I'm willing to make a fool of myself sometimes...

Oh, I must go take a picture of my pool for kikkles.. thanks for reminding yourself, Nanners... Oh! and I'm changing one of my goals that I had up yesterday to "I want mom to only have to give me a set amount each month" instead of no money at all.. *nods self*