

So, I was sitting last night.. in bed... unable to sleep.. and all I could think of were things that I 'should' put into this journal. Eventually most of them will make it, like an "About me" page that might actually be a "100 things About me" page, cause I think that it would be a challenge.. and I was thinking about how awesome it would've been to be able to just... upload that shit that was in my head, kind of MAKING me unable to sleep, right into this diary... 'cause you know, if it was that easy, you all would get soo much more about me. I'd be updating right and left about all the stuff that happens... Hell, by now you'd probably know alot more about the guy I think I'm falling for, like the fact that we live states away from each other.. You'd know why I sort of have a hate-on for my male roomie.. Hell, you'd probably know that I now have 3 roomies instead of 2, like before..

*sighs* anyways. It looks like life is going to be good tonight. I'm going out to chinese with one of my sister's friends from high school who I'm pretty close with.. Should be fun, and then we're going to watch.. a movie.. whether it be here that we'll be doing the movie-watching or at a theater... that I don't know.. but I'm looking forward to this.. it has been AGES since I've seen this gal.

*bites her lip* I think that's all.