06 October 2003


Holy long time before a new entry, Batman. Things have been cool, I just haven't had the computer access that I'm used to, so I'm a bit whiney and I miss my friends, but I'm getting over it. A bonus to all this is that I think I shall be recieving my sister's computer (a very cool thing, even if it has some cords that have been chewed through by a bunny) if I ever get up to D.C... We're debating about having it Fed-Ex'd or something like that, and about this point I'm seeing real bonuses to that, since we've been talking about it since like, my computer died, and nothing has been done about it yet.. but its cool. School has started, and I'm shirking my responsibilities to be writing this,but not badly, because I have tomorrow off of work and school to work on this essay that has to be done by Wednesday... whatever, its cool.