07 May 2003

stress is not fun

Arg. I hate stress. The not knowing what's going to happen stress is what's causing me the most anguish at the moment, 'cause... Rob and I were supposed to have this apartment, and everything was Ok, and then... baaah! Suddenly, We don't quite have enough money for them. according to the lady we've been talking to, we're supposed to make 3x the rent for the year, so something along the lines of $37k a year and we're around $2k off.. but that's not counting the excess money I have sitting around or any of Rob's excess money.. plus, we plan on picking up a roomie at some point, so we should be fine.. but... AAAUGH! I'm not sure that we can be allowed to move into the apartment tomorrow without this!!

And then I come home today, and my roomie isn't here. I freak out. I figure he's out doing.. something. I call my sister, and talk to her for a while, and finally realize its like, 9 p.m., and he's still not about.. and finally I realize he went to a job interview.. He wound up not walking in the door until 11ish.. it stressed me out extremely, cause I felt like I had no control over what was going on, and Rob was supposed to take care of it today and...... yeah.. it got overwhelming there for awhile, and I'm still all tense thinking about it..

Oy. I really don't need this.